Wednesday, 21 June 2017

How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

Breaking up really hurts! What pisses me off most is that everyone always tell you to just forget your ex and move on. But it's not as easy as they think. Today, I'm going to be different. I will show you ways to get your Ex back.
So, If you're a Lady trying to get your ex Boyfriend back, Keep reading...
8 Ways To Get Him Back Without Looking Desperate:

1.       Agree with why things ended.
You obviously broke up for some reasons. If he mentions those reasons, don't dispute them. Have the bravery to hear the truth in what he's saying, accept it and apologize for it. Don't let your pride step in and overshadow your heart desire to be loved and be happy

2.       Avoid being available all the time. Always being available will only make him think that you're just sitting around waiting for him to call or text. If you are not busy, then text him back, if you're busy, text or call him when you're done. You can briefly say something like "sorry I couldn't pick up, I was busy with something else." Don't give him details. Give his mind something to be busy with. :-)

3.       Don't Convince Him To Come Back.
You don't have to convince him to be with you.
Trying to convince your ex to come back will just push him further away.
Desperation kills the attraction any man may have for you. Men are drawn to women who are happy with themselves. So, be happy, live your life and let your happiness shine. This will make him want to be with you again.

4.       Let Him Come To You
Men value what they had to work for. When you miss your ex, don't make it easy for him. Let him wonder what you're doing. He will begin to contact you because he wants to see you, or because he misses you, etc. When he reaches out, respond warmly and appropriately until you know what his intentions and motivations are. WARNING: Avoid having sex with him until the issues that led to the break up are resolved.  

5.       Find out if your ex still cares. If you handled the breakup poorly, have acted badly towards him since the breakup, have been rude, or stalked him. it will be less likely that he still cares. But If you've been mature and caring, there is every possibility that he still cares for you too. Before you try to win him back, be sure you know if he still cares or not. Being desperate to get him back when he does not care is not going to work. Knowing that your ex still cares about you is the most important sign that things can still be mended.

6.       Use the past to your advantage. If he complimented a particular outfit, wear it again. Or, share a light-hearted memory with him. If you have a chance to meet him, do it in a familiar place where you used to enjoy good times together.

7.       Pay quality attention to your appearance. Get your nails and hair done. Take a nice warm bubble bath, and pick out a nice outfit.

8.       Invite him to talk to you. Express regret that things didn't work out between the two of you. Ask him if you can talk; now that you've had a break from the relationship and you've both had time to reflect on it.

When your man finally comes back to you, don't just pick up where the relationship left off. He will be motivated to truly resolve the issues that led to the breakup because he wants you back. Now is the time to address and work on these issues. Don't let him convince you that the problem was yours. Even if the problem started with you, the way he responded or didn't respond made things worse. Do your best to resolve these issues without letting him know you're doing the work. Yes..
Why you shouldn't let him know is because he won't believe it until he experiences the changes. Just do the work and see how he responds. If he responds positively, you're moving in the right direction. If he continues the behavior that contributed to your breakup then leave him—he's not the one for you!

If he uses you, is verbally, physically and/or emotionally abusive towards you, influences you to do things that are immoral, illegal, has drug abuse problems,

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